1. Myth: Septic tanks do not need routine maintenance.
Fact: Most septic tanks require annual maintenance and inspections, with pumping needed every 1-3 years depending on septic tank size and the number of people using it. Regular maintenance is necessary to keep your septic tank working at premium utility and to raise the potential for a longer system lifespan. It can also prevent spending thousands of dollars for unnecessary septic tank repairs and replacements.
2. Myth: The tank is of greater concern than the drainfield.
Fact: While the tank is necessary for the septic system to function, the majority of the waste clearing process occurs in the drainfield. It is important to carefully inspect both the tank and drainfield to ensure your septic tank system is working at its optimal level.
3. Myth: Only worry about your septic tank when you notice a problem.
Fact: Don’t let the phrase “out of sight, out of mind” leave you drowning in costly repairs or replacements with your septic system. Regular maintenance and inspection of your septic system will keep it running properly and will help avoid pricey problems.
4. Myth: Regular septic tank maintenance is more costly over time than replacing a failed system.
Fact: With septic tank systems, it is much less expensive to be proactive in preventing problems than to be reactive in fixing them.
5. Myth: The septic tank system doesn’t need to be pumped if bacteria additives are used.
Fact: Bacteria additives help to ensure the proper functioning of septic tank systems, but they do not displace the need to pump the system regularly. Bacteria additives support the process, they do not replace it.
6. Myth: Anything can be flushed down the drain without harming your septic tank.
Fact: Remember that whatever goes into your drains comes out of your septic system and into your drainfield. If hazardous waste and chemicals are flushed or rinsed down the drain, they can threaten the health of the environment and your family. Take precautions in carefully and properly ridding of hazardous waste.
7. Myth: Household chemicals do not harm septic tank systems.
Fact: Referring back to the section on bacteria, household chemicals can harm your system by killing necessary bacteria, but only if in excessive amounts. As long as the cleaners are disposed of in moderation, your septic tank will function properly.
8. Myth: Regular septic tank pumping rids of all system problems.
Fact: The main purpose of septic tank pumping is to help prevent problems in the future and also to help identify issues such as a clogged or broken pipe. However, pumping will not fix all problems, especially when it comes to drainfield failure.
Septic Tank Repair and Replacement
9. Myth: The use of garbage disposals, water softeners and large amounts of water don’t harm your septic tank system.
Fact: Garbage disposals increase the amount of solid waste put into the septic tank system that needs to be decomposed, and water softeners and high volumes of water increase the amount of waste water that need to be processed. Just like with household chemicals, as long as these aren’t used excessively, your septic tank system will properly function. However, it is important to be aware of their impact on your system.
10. Myth: Your septic tank system can last a lifetime.
Fact: The average lifespan for a septic tank system is between 20-30 years, while some have lasted up to 50 years, or even just one year without proper care and treatment. The lifespan can be extended with proper system maintenance and inspection, but septic tanks are meant to be replaced after a certain amount of time.
We hope you found these myths vs. facts helpful in solving the mystery of your septic tank system! If you have any questions or concerns about your septic tank, please never hesitate to Tall Boots Pumping Services 274-PUMP.